poisoned candy myths artinya
- poisoned: meracuni
- candy: gula-gula; permen; permén; karamel; manisan;
- myths: mitos; portal:mitologi
- candy: gula-gula; permen; permén; karamel; manisan; kembang gula; manis-manisan; menggelas; menyadur
- flood myths: mitos banjir
- longevity myths: mitos panjang umur
- mesopotamian myths: mitologi mesopotamia
- candy candy (song): candy candy (lagu)
- ancient egyptian creation myths: mitos penciptaan mesir kuno
- chinese creation myths: mitos penciptaan tionghoa
- list of flood myths: daftar mitos air bah
- the founding myths of modern israel: mitos dan politik israel
- candy bar: permen
- candy buttons: butang gula-gula
- candy cane: permen tongkat